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Earlier this year, when some friends wanted to go to New York City for a birthday celebration in August; I was game.

Here was my plan after watching Zack Arias Street Photography class on Kelby Training: to practice my street photography in the busiest place on earth.  I was pumped to finally try to step outside of my comfort zone in a new place with my DSLRs.

However, I have a recent medical issue.  My orthopedist had recommended strongly suggested that I not use my big girl cameras the rest of this year due to neck and shoulder problems that had me in traction therapy for two months.  Easy enough advice for most people to submit to a doctor’s orders, but I’m a photographer, dammit!

Plus, this was my very first visit to “the city that never sleeps” during the day.

Such an easy distance; how is that even possible?

I know!  Living in the DC metropolitan area for the last 25+ years, I could’ve made NYC a regular haunt.  And it has been in some respects.  You see, I’ve travelled on several bus trips for “dinner and a play”.  I’ve also taken the train so that I could fly out of JFK Airport to save on airfare.  Yet, I’ve never once been to NYC for a weekend with literally no agenda.

So…..  did I heed the advice from my physician or did I gut it out?

What’s a girl to do?

Well, this girl woman loves her iPhone 4S.  And, thankfully, I know how to use it.

iPhone - NYC taxis and traffic - taken with an Apple iPhone 4S

iPhone – NYC taxis and traffic

Unfortunately, street photography with an iPhone in frenetically-paced Times Square takes more practice than I had time for.   Oh well, the best laid plans and all that…

Nonetheless, I learned a valuable lesson as we rode in the rain and the hot sun on top of those double-decker Hop-On Hop-Off (HOHO) tour buses.

What lesson did you learn?

NYC is replete with glass and steel skyscrapers!

iPhone - NYC Trump World Tower building reflection - taken with an Apple iPhone 4S

iPhone – NYC Trump World Tower building reflection

Of course, other photographers have been touting this for years but until you see for yourself (and study it for hours) that most of those tall beautiful buildings reflect the sky and clouds and everything around them so brilliantly, you truly won’t believe it.

Note: All images taken with Pro Camera app and enhanced with Camera+ and Snapseed apps

Shutter lag time on an iPhone can be ridiculously slow even in burst mode and some pre-visualization, but especially when you’re on top of a herky-jerky bus in weekend stop-and-go vehicle/pedestrian traffic!

iPhone - NYC Black&White building reflection - taken with an Apple iPhone 4S

iPhone – NYC Black&White building reflection

However, I found myself looking up more than I looked around me.  And it was liberating!


Travel Insurance by InsureMyTrip Briggs & Riley Sympatico Collection New Colors
Dani Lew

DaniLew is a podcaster and a retired nomad who loves to slow travel around the world and share her travel stories and personal photography.The Slow Traveling Soul Sister podcast is all about me and my travels around the world for the last 40 years as a solo black woman, My motto: travel nourishes the soul and broadens the mind, but solo travel frees our imagination and builds our Confidence. #slowtravelingsoulsister #GoSeeDoBe


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