Valentine’s Day is usually spent with your significant other, however, for those of without a partner it is a day that we would like to skip over entirely. My new friend here in Arizona, calls it “Single Awareness Day” – LOL! I like this term, it’s a much less bitter one than I’ve heard used in the past.
Nonetheless, we decided to be brave and venture out to a place where we hoped not to see too many starry-eyed lovers or flower/cute cuddly bear vendors; a Tattoo Expo at the Arizona State Fair in Phoenix.

Tattoo Expo Entrance at Arizona State Fair in Phoenix
The crowd was large and varied: singletons, couples and families.
The music was loud and surprisingly more hip-hop than heavy metal or country.
There were at least 50 vendors selling their artistry and/or products. Oh, you could also purchase food, beer and hard liquor to savor or dull the pain of your fresh new piercings and tattoos.
My friend was seriously considering getting a tattoo and although she had one vendor in mind, we looked at all the vendors.
The booths were small, but with enough space for a two man-crew or a long bench for one. The Body Art Expo website assured of us of certifications, licensing and cleanliness and they were correct. Every artist that I watched used new needles and gloves, swabs, disposable ink mix containers, etc.
I saw a lot of the strange and colorful and down-right awful but my favorite was the frontman for the Art Fusion contest. He had a raspy voice and a cool way of getting the crowd involved in the contest and auction.
Some of my pre-conceived notions about tattoo fanatics were laid to rest, some were the vividly on display, and some – like the human suspension – were absolutely nightmarish.
I watched a young man get both his nipples pierced, a sassy grandmother win a beauty contest over young ladies in swimsuits that were half her age, and my new friend get her desired tattoo.
All in all, it was an excellent event and I enjoyed myself tremendously.