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I had officially retired December 1, 2017 and soon after that came the kickoff to my “Retired Nomad Slow-Travel World Tour”. A bit pretentious I know but I like the moniker.

Anyway, I started my first year of being a Retired Nomad off right by welcoming the New Year of 2018 in Cancun Mexico.

I flew back to the USA to quickly sell or give away the rest of my worldly possessions, to finalize financial and insurance documents, and to “farewell” family and friends because I was leaving the country for 3 months straight.

Then it was off to Australia and New Zealand from February 1 thru April 29 visiting the following cities: (1) Sydney, Australia; (2) Launceston, Tasmania – 10-day tour around Tasmania – (3) Hobart, Tasmania; (4) Melbourne, Australia; (5) Auckland, New Zealand; (6) Rotorua, New Zealand; (7) Wellington, New Zealand; (8) Picton, New Zealand; (9) Christchurch, New Zealand; (10) Queenstown, New Zealand; (11) Sydney, Australia again; (12) Brisbane, Australia; (13) Cairns, Australia; (14) Perth, Australia; (15) Yulara (Uluru Ayers Rock), Australia; (16) Adelaide, Australia; (17) Canberra, Australia; (18) Melbourne, Australia again; and (19) Sydney, Australia again.

Picture collage of my visit to Australia in 2018

Australia 2018 collage of sights and friends


Picture collage of my visit to Tasmania Australia in 2018

Tasmania Australia 2018 collage of sights


Picture collage of my visit to New Zealand in 2018

New Zealand 2018 collage of sights and friends

I flew back to the USA for 2 weeks for Mother’s Day, family May birthdays and memorials.

Then it was off again to Greece and Spain for 10 weeks at the end of May, through June and July as follows: (1) Crete, Greece with a day-trip to Santorini; (2) Valencia, Spain; (3) Seville, Spain; and (4) Tenerife, Canary Islands Spain

Picture collage of my visit to Crete Greece in 2018

Crete Greece 2018 collage of sights and friends


Picture collage of my visit to Spain in 2018

Spain 2018 collage of sights and friends

I once again flew back to the USA for my Mom’s Birthday and a work-family reunion.

Then jetted off to Panama and Colombia for 5 weeks in August and September as follows: (1) Panama City, Panama; (2) Bogota, Colombia; (3) Medellin, Colombia; (4) Cartagena, Colombia; and (5) Playa Coronado, Panama

Picture collage of my visit to Panama in 2018

Panama 2018 collage of sights and friends


Picture collage of my visit to Colombia in 2018

Colombia 2018 collage of sights and friends

I flew back to the USA to Austin Texas for 2 weeks of writing/blogging conferences in September and to visit family and friends.

Then flew off to San Jose Costa Rica in October to help a friend while she had major dental surgery.

Picture collage of my visit to Costa Rica in 2018

Costa Rica 2018 collage of sights and friends

For the final time, I flew back to the USA again to “take my leave” of family and friends for the winter and kick off my SE Asia tour on November 1. So far, I’ve visited the following cities: (1) Singapore, Singapore; (2) Bangkok, Thailand; (3) Chiang Mai, Thailand; (4) Siem Reap, Cambodia; (4) Phnom Penh, Cambodia; (5) Phuket, Thailand; (6) Phi Phi Islands, Thailand; and (7) Bangkok, Thailand again.

Picture collage of my visit to Singapore in 2018

Singapore 2018 collage of sights and friends


Picture collage of my visit to Cambodia in 2018

Cambodia 2018 picture collage


Picture collage of my visit to Thailand in 2018

Thailand 2018 collage of sights and friends

And now, here I am once again in Chiang Mai Thailand at the start of 2019.

What a glorious first year as a Retired Nomad! Not counting the USA, that was 11 countries (8 new) in 12 months! And I can’t even begin to count the number of people that I’ve met and become friends with!

See where I end up next in 2019


Follow me on Instagram or as @DaniLew_1



Travel Insurance by InsureMyTrip Briggs & Riley Sympatico Collection New Colors
Dani Lew

DaniLew is a podcaster and a retired nomad who loves to slow travel around the world and share her travel stories and personal photography.The Slow Traveling Soul Sister podcast is all about me and my travels around the world for the last 40 years as a solo black woman, My motto: travel nourishes the soul and broadens the mind, but solo travel frees our imagination and builds our Confidence. #slowtravelingsoulsister #GoSeeDoBe


  • Carmella Brown says:

    WOW Dannie you are so remarkable and brave to travel through all these different countries some I have never heard of. But you are truly blessed to have experienced such a beautiful journey of traveling all over the entire world. You have truly changed my outlook on retiring. God bless Dannie

    • DaniLew says:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Peachie! Yes, I’m truly Blessed to be able to live my dream of traveling anywhere I choose as a retiree. God Bless you as well!

  • Georgia says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this blog and your updates on FB. You are living the dream!
    What are your top 3 destinations?
    What country has the nicest folks?
    What country had the best food?
    How many suitcases do you travel with?
    Can I fit in one?!
    Where are you most excited to visit in 2019?!!!
    Xoxoxo, Dani!

    • DaniLew says:

      Thanks G!
      Top 3 Destinations? Ooh that’s hard. Australia, New Zealand, Colombia and Thailand. Okay, that’s 4 but ugh…
      What country has the best food? Any country that has “fresh wild-caught straight to the table” seafood!
      I travel with 1 luggage (21-inch) and a backpack. You’re rather tall so I don’t think you could fit AND you’d have to decide on only 1 pair of shoes to bring.
      Which 2019 Destinations am I excited about? When traveling, I’m like a kid in a candy store! I haven’t even started in Malaysia yet then I have Vietnam and Indonesia as well. Only Ghana is planned for end of year is a definite.
      Love ya!

  • Joyce says:

    Well, all I can say is thank you for the glorious year you have provided all of us. I did notice that you didn’t go to any cold climates….are you saving that Scandinavian tour for 2019??? So happy for you Danielle, it’s so inspiring to see someone living out their dream. We talked about it for years and now here you are, out there living it. Yay!

    • DaniLew says:

      Thanks Joyce! No more cold weather for me, so if/when I do go to some Scandinavian countries, it will be in the middle of summer. Yes, you knew of my dreams since the day we met and you also got to know that I don’t like to fail, So these travels were inevitable. I’m happy to see that you found your “rest of life” goal and I wish you well with “Goin in Style” dog products.

  • Spring McManus says:

    I swear Shawn and I are watching your trip with unabashed glee and envy. What a fantastic year!

    Also, if you ever hit up Seattle on one of your stateside visits let me know.

    • DaniLew says:

      Thank you so much, Spring! I really do appreciate your kind comments here, Facebook, and on Instagram. Oh, and I would not dare come near the Pacific Northwest and not come to see you! I will look for some space this year and let you know.

  • Donna Bruce says:

    Phenomenal trips! Thank you for taking us along for the ride.

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