Launceston is Tasmania’s second city and, depending on who you ask, they begrudgingly accept the fact that Hobart is the state’s capital and first city. The rivalry extends even to the best beer. Northern Tassie’s swear by Boag Beer while the Southerners will tell you it’s Cascade Beer all the way. It’s the “great beer debate” or the “great north-south divide” but either way, they are both excellent beers and all the rest of Australia reaps the benefits.
In February 2018, I took the James Boag Brewery Tour in Launceston at 39 William Street.

As we walked through the in-house museum, we were treated to the sometimes hilarious history of James Boag and his son establishing the brewery in 1881 and how it had remained in the family for one hundred years.
At the end of tour, you are presented with your choice of a glass of James Boag beer (Premium Lager, XXX Ale, Draught or Wizard Smith’s Ale) or a glass of Tasmanian wine if your palate is not pleased with hops) and a small selection of Tasmanian cheese (Brie and Blue Cheese) and grapes.

I chose the XXX Ale and I loved the taste.

In fact, all along my 3-month tour of Australia and New Zealand, I would often choose the XXX Ale with my dinner.
Note: A visit to the active brewery across the street is only available on weekdays.